Marketing Trends Every Female Entrepreneur Should Know in 2024

Jan 8, 2024

As a female entrepreneur, we know you’ve got a lot on your plate. Keeping up with the latest marketing trends isn’t easy when your schedule is packed and creators & brands across social media are pumping out new content at the speed of light (we’re talking like, 95 million pieces of content being published just on Instagram every single day). So, we’ve compiled the must-know trends, tools, and tips for you to level up your marketing game in 2024 and beyond.

Micro-Influencers & UGC

Despite how much they’ve dominated our timelines in recent years, big influencers are out. In fact, one recent study found that most marketing teams prefer working with micro (1,000-100,000 followers) and nano (>1,000 followers) influencers and UGC creators over mega-influencers and celebs. Why?

  • Cost-effective – Nano- and micro-influencer or UGC campaigns can run a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per campaign. Mega-influencers can cost tens or even hundreds of thousands for a few posts. And if a mega-influencer campaign is a flop? Your marketing budget can take a major hit with little ROI to show for it.

  • A/B testing – Since smaller creators are more cost-effective to work with, you can test out tapping into different audiences to see who resonates with your brand.

  • Stronger para-social relationships – Smaller creators know the power of their audiences and engage with their fans much more frequently.

  • Authenticity – Does anyone still trust massive influencers with a history of shilling dubious (or unethical) products? Take the Mikayla Nogueira/L’Oreal drama last year. Her audience’s reaction is a testament to people’s growing skepticism of big influencers, particularly among younger/Gen Z audiences. Smaller creators have to be pickier with their brand deals to maintain their fan base, so they really put in the work.

  • Niche over reach – Many marketers have discovered that finding the right audience is better than finding the biggest audience. A carefully curated influencer campaign with a creator whose audience closely matches your target market is way better ROI than an influencer who reaches a lot of people who may not be the best fit.

Some tools to help you connect with influencers and UGC creators in 2024 include Upfluence, GRIN, and Heepsy. You can use these tools to discover creators in your niche or industry, reach out, coordinate contracts, and start campaigns effortlessly. Or, try tapping into your existing audience to find authentic content – whether that’s photos, videos, or written reviews and testimonials – created by customers who already love your brand, and see where you can incorporate that content into your marketing strategy.

The Power of AI

This marketing trend might not be much of a “trend” at all, because Artificial Intelligence isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. You’ll definitely want to stay away from pulling your social media content straight from ChatGPT (because your audience can totally tell when you do), but there are many fantastic AI tools that you and your team can incorporate into your tech stack.

Must-have AI tools for female entrepreneurs:

  • – Create fast, AI-generated ad creatives
  • Canva – Tons of AI-powered tools to create brand kits, graphics, videos, digital assets, presentations, and so much more
  • Midjourney – Generate AI images quickly by text
  • Quillbot – Your perfect AI writing assistant and copy-repurposing powerhouse
  • Audiense – Use AI to understand your followers better

As more and more AI tools continue to pop up – with no signs of slowing down – it’s a good idea to dedicate some time to researching and testing out the different capabilities out there. While AI may not replace any jobs anytime soon, it’ll definitely make our lives easier. Knowing how to use AI tools will give your brand a major strategic advantage and support your business operations in a multitude of ways, so you can focus on the needle-moving tasks that really matter.

Authenticity and Human-centeredness

Human-centeredness is key in good marketing as AI becomes more prevalent in 2024. Treat your audience like their time is valuable and their opinions matter – because they do! – and the brands who recognize and embrace this will always be a step ahead in today’s market. This means not over-relying on AI-generated content, because consumers are already starting to recognize and disregard it. Think about it – if you can’t be bothered to write your content, why should they be bothered to read and engage with it?

So, how can you embrace human-centeredness and authenticity in your marketing approach? Speak from the heart. Share your perspectives as a brand run by unique, dynamic, and yes – even messy – humans. Communicate what makes you different, and be vulnerable to the idea of imperfection. The growing trend of turning away from celebrity and massive influencer culture demonstrates consumers’ boredom with poised, curated millionaires with picture-perfect lives that the average person just can’t relate to. Audiences crave realness and genuine connection.

Tips for embracing authenticity in your marketing:

  • Decide what your brand stands for, embrace your values, and stay consistent
  • Share the up’s & down’s that come with your brand’s growth, not just your successes
  • Give “behind the scenes” content and show the process
  • Host Q&As and Instagram or TikTok Lives to directly connect with your audience
  • Forget perfection and focus on being real
  • Be responsive to comments & DMs on your social media channels – after all, it’s called social media for a reason

Personal Branding

Speaking of authenticity, let’s be real – people are a liiittle tired of faceless brands trying to sell them stuff on social media. Big and small companies have used every trick in the book, and audiences (especially younger ones) are already over it. 2024 is going to be all about personal branding.

Personal branding is when you and your team play a major role in presenting your brand to the world via your marketing. As a founder, having an active presence on your brand’s marketing channels, such as through stories, videos and lives, or even building a presence on your own social media channels as a representative of your brand, is what personal branding is all about. Don’t over-rely on faceless content posted to your brand’s socials (especially because it’s well-known that the social platforms are not brand-friendly in terms of organic reach). 

Personal branding is preferred these days over business branding because:

  • It allows you to be more credible, authentic, and genuine
  • You’re able to connect with your audience more organically
  • People trust people far more than brands
  • You’ll cultivate an online presence where people can get to know, like and trust you
  • You can share your expertise as an industry leader in your space

Photos, videos and graphics featuring only your products or services are great sometimes, but don’t forget to incorporate a human element to your brand!

Video is Everything

We live in the TikTok era. Even if your brand doesn’t have a TikTok account yet, your social media is likely influenced by the app regardless. Instagram and Facebook are pushing small, bite-size video content more than ever. To keep up, you’ll need to embrace the power of video in your 2024 social media and marketing strategy.

Thankfully, video content is easier to produce than ever before. You don’t need to be a cinematographer or invest in an expensive media shoot; you just need a smartphone and an app like Canva or CapCut. Examples of videos you can easily film include behind-the-scenes content, “getting to know the team” videos, your brand’s take on Instagram and TikTok trends, or how-to’s featuring your products.

Engaging and Interactive Content

Audiences are no longer passive consumers. They want to be part of the story, and they want their perspective to matter. In 2024 and beyond, ensure your audience is at the forefront of your messaging. Whether or not you’re asking them questions, showcasing their experience with your brand, or otherwise letting them run the show.

Polls, contests, and Q&As are great examples of this. Create interactive content to increase interest and engagement. Let your fans ask questions and share their thoughts. People love to be involved, and brand loyalty is built when audiences feel invested in the brands they support. It’s no longer enough to watch the show–audiences want to be center stage. Plus, fan and audience engagement is a powerful form of social proof that shows prospective clients that people use (and love) your brand. 

Ready to level up your marketing in 2024?

With a new year comes a ton of new opportunities to build brand awareness and grow your business. Between fresh, evolving social platforms and new ways of connecting with your audience, staying ahead in the marketing game is vital to expanding your brand’s impact.

The good news? You don’t have to do it alone! If you could use a helping hand when it comes to leveling up your marketing in 2024 and beyond, Sonder Social has you covered. Whether you need consulting support to help you build a consistent, cohesive marketing strategy, or you’re ready to completely hand off your marketing to our team of experts, you’ve come to the right place. Click here to get in touch, and let’s chat about how we can set your brand up for success.



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